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Delivering a burst of tropical bliss with every bite!



  • 150g Butter
  • 80g Powdered Sugar
  • 1 Egg Yolk
  • 20g Milk Powder
  • 300g All-Purpose Flour
  • 50g Cornstarch

Glaze Ingredients:

  • 2 Egg Yolks
  • 1 drop Food Coloring
  • 1 tbsp Milk


  • Pour 150g butter and 80g powdered sugar into a Vienta mixer bowl.
  • Add 1 egg yolk.
  • Then gradually add 20g milk powder and 300g all-purpose flour.
  • Add 50g cornstarch.
  • Shape the dough into small balls and add pineapple jam filling.
  • Brush the glaze mixture (egg yolks, food coloring, and milk) on top of the nastar dough.
  • Bake with Smart Oven Vienta menu Cookies.

Nastar is ready to be served.